Guess where?
  • Grace has driven the route between Washington DC and San Diego more than twenty times, and is four states away from having visited every one of the lower forty-eight states.

  • Grace’s paternal grandmother owned a candy store in the very same town where Grace grew up. This explains Grace’s affection for high quality dark chocolate and fine teas. Well, sorta.

  • Grace made the Windham series long enough that she could dedicate a book to every member of her immediate family.

  • Grace has ridden cows on several occasions—or tried to.

  • Grace’s first horse was a palomino quarter horse named Buck—for good reason!

  • The one reference book Grace keeps by the computer at all times is, “The Language of Flowers” (illustrated Running Press Edition), which is less than three inches square.

  • Grace can say “I love you” in seven different languages (not including pig Latin).

  • Grace put herself through college by accompanying dance classes on the piano.

  • Grace’s first college degree was a bachelor of music in music history. She gets stage fright too badly to perform, but her instrument is piano.

  • Grace’s parents, Stuart and Colleen, are the role models for Percival and Esther, Duke and Duchess and Windham. As of this writing, Stu and Colleen are several months past their seventieth wedding anniversary and still going strong.

  • Grace has kissed the Blarney Stone.

  • Grace chose her pen name partly in hopes that her books would be shelved near Mary Balogh’s and Joanna Bourne’s, but not too far from Loretta Chase’s.

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