What’s Afoot With Grace for January 27, 2013

While we’re waiting for the February 5 release of Lady Eve’s Indiscretion, good news has arrived for The Bridegroom Wore Plaid. Not only is a large print edition to be made available later this spring, but the entire MacGregor series will be published as audiobooks. These will be my first audiobooks, and I could not be happier.

And in more good news, The Courtship and A Duke and His Duchess will be getting new covers. I’ve seen the early versions, and my friends, they are…scrumptious.

I’ve also gotten word that the Lonely Lords books, Nicholas, Ethan and Beckman, will be issued as trade paperbacks in May, June and July, respectiviely, rather than mass market paperbacks. This means a slightly larger book and a bit classier presentation–another first for me.

Valentine’s Day is coming up! Please recall that I’m happy to send you signed bookplates if your list of presents includes a Grace Burrowes love story for a reading friend (or yourself!). Email me at [email protected].