What's Afoot With Grace:

Three to Get Ready!!!

July 14, 2024

While the blog is on hiatus for a couple more weeks, whatever shall we do to pass the time? Lord Julian to the rescue! I am happy to announce that his third mystery, A Gentleman in Challenging Circumstances, is now available from the web store as an audio book. James Langton provides his usual spectacular narration, and I’ve queued up subsequent titles in the series for audio production later in the year.

Friendly reminder: A Rogue of Her Own, book four in the Windham Brides series, is discounted to $2.99 (ebook) for the entire month of July at all the major retailers. This is Charlotte and Sherbourne’s story, set in Wales, and one of my faves. Two strong people have a legit difference of opinion and they each have to find a way to see that the other spouse is also right. Love wins, every time! Ordering links here.

Perfection and a Pause!!!

June 30, 2024

On the blog this week, we’re talking about the pause the refreshes. Because the blog will go on hiatus for most of July, I’m also doing a give-away this week: A $100 e-gift card for the Vera Bradley on-line store. Tell about your perfect recharging day here.

And speaking of perfection, A Gentleman of Unreliable Honor has its final cover, and it’s soooo pretty. I love Lord Julian’s covers, because I get to find all the little objects that resonate with that specific story, and then watch as Cracked Light Studio and Wax Creative Design do their cover creation magic. Take a peek here.

If you have travel coming up over the long weekend (or if you don’t), you might want to grab a couple of cheap (but classy!!!) dukes from the web store. A Duke Walked Into a House Party is discounted for the month of July to $.99. Web store ordering page is here.

Hot Times on the Blog!!!

June 23, 2024

Before I put the blog on hiatus for a few weeks in July, I’m doing some give-aways. This week, it’s a $100 e-gift card to the book retailer of the winner’s choice. Our topic is rejection, and why I’m again subjecting Lord Julian to that humbling and painful ordeal. Add your comment here.

Lord Julian’s seventh mystery, A Gentleman Beneath the Mistletoe (working title) will soon be available for pre-order (and yes, I know, Gent Unreliable needs its final cover, which is also coming soon–promise)!

Blooming on the Blog!!!

June 16, 2024

On the blog this week, we’re pondering the summertime blues (or spring time blahs, or wintertime doldrums…) and the antidote to same (because there is one). Join the conversation here.

Summer plans for the web store include putting together some bundles that will be web store exclusives. Lady Violet is first up in the bundling order, Mischief in Mayfair is on deck, and maybe Lord Julian in the bull pen. Depends on how much writing I can get done over the next few weeks (glowers at his lordship).

Distant early warning… The blog will be on hiatus starting June 30, and I’ll resume posting on or around July 21. This pause will give me time to get together the aforesaid series bundles, and to do a final polish on The Mysterious Marquess, who is due publish in August. Yikes!

Grace's Romances by Genre


June 29, 2024   •  Grace's Most Recent Blog Post

I am putting this blog on hiatus for most of July in part because in this end of June/early July transition, I scheduled myself back-to-back weeks of (for me) high activity. This past week was five straight days of riding camp (kids on ponies, what could be more wonderful?), and next week I will be a camper on a pony. (We’d better get to paint rocks, too, just sayin’). With a few other logistical planets refusing to conveniently leave or slow their orbits, I am in the middle of what I call a compression phrase. … Continue reading