What’s Afoot with Grace for February 23, 2013

Darius has been chosen by Romantic Times as a Top Pick for April, and scored a 4.5 stars in his review: “Burrowes presents readers with a delightfully different romance [and]… brings to life a deeply moving romance that’s sure to be remembered and treasured.” Gee, I love that kinda talk!

If you’re in the Charlottesville, VA, area on Saturday, March 23 at 10 am, come to the Virgina Festival of the Book, and join us for “Romance–Hoydens and Harridans, Strong Willed Women Throughout History.” I’ll be on a panel with two-time RITA winner Joanna Bourne, bestsellers Mary Jo Putney and Kristen Callihan, and historical fiction author Jehanne Wake. We’ll be signing books after the presentation, and my publisher has generously arranged for copies of Darius to be available for signing ten days before the general release.

 If you’re anywhere near Atlanta, July 17-20, come by the Romance Writers of America National Conference and catch me in a panel with Kieran Kramer, Vicki Dreiling, Miranda Neville, Katherine Ashe and Tessa Dare on “The Do Over–What We Wish We’d Known.”