What’s Afoot with Grace for May 19, 2013

Readers are asking me if Trenton Lindsey, brother to Darius and Leah, has a story. Indeed he does! Trenton takes a repairing lease at his country estate, Crossbridge, and makes the acquaintance of the widow next door… Darius, Heathgate, Benjamin “Hazlit” (as he was known at the time), and a few other friends show up in this story, which I hope to make available to readers by the end of the year. Watch this space for further developments, and I hope to have a sneak peek up later in the week.

If you’re going to be in the Atlanta area on July 17, consider stopping by the Romance Writers of America conference for the “Readers for Life” literary signing. On July 20, many, many publisher will also have smaller signings (including Sourcebooks), schedule here.