What’s Afoot with Grace for Jan 19, 2014

I have a case of the January Blogs this week! In addition to today’s website blog, tomorrow I’ll be at the Casablanca Author’s Blog, and Tuesday I’m hosting Jane Ashford, a historical romance writing buddy whose March Regency release, The Bride Insists, combines fun, steam, and some of my favorite tropes: The governess inherits a fortune, but must marry to get control of it… Give aways with every post, of course.

Valentine’s Day is coming up! (Bet you knew that.) I’ll be giving away ginormous gift baskets with my weekly Sunday blog posts to celebrate the publication of my third Scottish Victorian, The MacGregor’s Lady. Lots of books, chocolate, gift cards, and fun stuff, maybe even an e-reader or two.

The MacGregor’s Lady will also get its own blog tour, with an e-reader giveaway at each stop. Watch this space for details…