What’s Afoot with Grace for Feb 2 2014

The MacGregor’s Lady launches on Tuesday, February 4, and to celebrate, I’m giving away eight iPads on a blog tour covering the next two weeks. We’ll also be giving away The MacGregor Trilogy in print, so get your kilt on and join us!

In the yet still more good news column, Long and Short Reviews has nominated Once Upon a Tartan for its Best Book of 2013. Voting is open until Valentine’s Day, and the competition is ferocious. If you’d like to vote (or simply get ideas for your TBR pile), the link is here.

An enormous thank you to everybody who left a review for Douglas: Lord of Heartache. As I write this, he’s hovering between 4.5 and 5.0 stars on Amazon, which means a LOT of you thought he was worth five stars. I’ve never had a book score this high, this consistently. From his lordship, Guinevere, Rose and me (also Regis and Sir George), heartfelt thanks (and feel free to add to his streak, if you’re so inclined!).