Launching Lord Julian

On the blog this week, I’m maundering on about why reading good fiction can mean going the great Enlightenment thinkers one better, or a whole lot better. Have a read-eroo here.

And please prepare to welcome Lord Julian Caldicott to your shelves or e-readers. A Gentleman Fallen on Hard Times launches Tuesday, August 22, from the retail sites, and if you haven’t ordered your copy yet (or downloaded the early bird from the web store), you can do that here.

And for those keen-eyed observers who watch the Coming Soon page, yes that is a Christmas novella you see lurking near the bottom of the queue… except that Worth More Than Rubies is about twice the size of most novellas. This story first appeared in a duet last year, Yuletide Gems, that was released only on the web store and to libraries. This year’s (significantly expanded) pre-ordering options are here. Wheeee!