Lord Julian, Take a Bow!

I am tickled to report that the first title in the Lord Julian Mysteries, A Gentleman Fallen on Hard Times, is now available from the web store (the print version is available from Amazon, and on the way at other retailers). Lord Julian’s debut was also chosen for inclusion in Barnes and Noble’s Top Indie Favorites for August. If you’re waiting for the retail release, that happens on August 22 (and you can find pre-ordering links here.) Wheee!

And in other news…. On the blog this week, we’re discussing the glimmers of hope, good cheer, and joy that get us through the days and weeks. I’ve begun my advanced reader copy (ARC) distribution list for Miss Dashing, and you can leave a comment here if you’d like to be included. I can’t promise an ARC to everybody who asks for one, but I usually get pretty close.