Sizzling in September!!!

On the blog this week, we’re pondering love and lies. Add your thoughts to this riveting topic here.

In other news, you’ll find Worth More Than Rubies, a largish holiday novella involving a largish Scottish duke, a librarian (not largish), and some urchins (smallish and grubby-ish), is/soon to be available in print from Amazon. The meta data on the book page looks like it might be taking a few days to sort itself out, but the buy button should be functioning shortly.

And as we ALL know, Tuesday. Sept. 5, will also see the retail publication of Miss Dashing, Mischief in Mayfair, Book Eight. Phillip and Hecate finally get their happily ever after, and if you don’t want to wait until Tuesday to download your copy, the web store version is already on sale, as is a print version.