Of Books and Bouquets!!!

On the blog this week, we’re throwing roses, and sometimes even catching them. Beethoven gets honorable mention as well, and I hope you’ll join the discussion too!

Lord Julian has been busy! Not only is his fifth mystery, A Gentleman in Search of a Wife, due out on May 24, (May 17 in the web store), but his sixth adventure, A Gentleman of Unreliable Honor, is now available for pre-order. This will be a September release, and yes, friends, there will be print editions (and a final cover, I hope). Ordering links here.

Apple Books is having a wowser historical romance sale through May 25 (which means you can load up for any Memorial Day getaways, beach raids, or just for fun). Miss Dashing (aka Hecate and Phillip, Mischief in Mayfair No. 8) is among the offerings, priced at $2.99. , and you can see the whole line-up here.