The Mysterious Month of May!!!

Lord Julian’s fifth mystery, A Gentleman in Search of Wife, will publish on all the major ebook retail platforms this Friday (May 24). To say I am excited is to deprive you of the image of me, bouncing on the edge of my writing chair for this whole week. Print and web store editions are already on sale. Retail ordering links here.

And speaking of mysteries… The Mysterious Marquess, book two in the Bad Heir Day series (and not a mystery), now has pre-ordering links. On-sale dates are in August, and I’m happy to say, the draft is just about ready for Madam Copy Editor’s delicate and ruthless attentions. Pre-ordering linky-poos here.

And while you’re building your To Be Read stack… Please recall that the Sweetest Kisses trilogy bundle is on sale this month in the web store for $2.99. This is my lawyers-in-love contemporary romance series, and you will not find the bundle anywhere else at any price (legally). Web store link here.