I can’t find a title on your site. Are these titles still available?

The following titles have been retired from publication:

The Duke’s Bridal Path
Once Upon a Dream
Christmas in Duke Street

Christmas in the Duke’s Arms
Dancing in the Duke’s Arms
Romance Under the Mistletoe
Love and Other Perils

(formerly in the Hidden Pleasures series)
Dukes in Disguise
Duchesses in Disguise
Marquesses at the Masquerade

If you’d like to read Grace’s novellas from Christmas in Duke Street and Christmas in the Duke’s Arms, those have been bundled as Christmas Treats, and are available exclusively from Grace’s Store. Grace’s stories from Dancing in the Duke’s Arms and Once Upon a Dream are now bundled in the duet, A Duke Walked Into a House Party, and her novellas from The Duke’s Bridle Path and How to Find a Duke in Ten Days are now bundled as A Lady Without Peer. Look for more Republished Regency novella bundles in the coming months, and happy reading!

At the very end of Lady Louisa’s Christmas Knight, Joseph Carrington is given the title Earl of Kesmore, and he’s referred to as Kesmore in subsequent Windham family stories. In The Trouble With Dukes, he’s referred to as the Earl of Keswick (also the Earl of Cowlick). What happened?

Author error! I hadn’t written Joseph into a story in some time, though he’s one of my faves (they’re all my faves). I did double-check his title in Louisa’s story, and right there on the page, it says Kesmore. I happily congratulated myself on my conscientiousness (if not my memory), sat back down at the computer, and wrote Keswick.

I have two associations with the name Keswick. The first is a town in Virginia where I’ve seen and participated in some really cool horse shows. Good memories! The second is a town in England’s Lake District where I’ve stayed for a long weekend—more good memories! Maybe the good memories decided to morph Joseph’s title? In any case, I’ll explain the confusion in an author’s note if Joseph shows up in another happily ever after. I have a feeling Louisa is laughing herself silly over this. She kinda liked that bit about Earl of Cowlick.

Do you have a favorite book?

Yes–the one I’m working on now. 

The published books are out of my hands–they belong to the readers. The Work in Progress is mine, mine, all mine… at least through the rough draft stage. As editorial revisions are made, copy edits happen, and proofreaders get in a few licks, the book becomes less and less mine, and more and more the readers’. By the on sale date, I have to let the book go, and the only way I know to cope with that loss is to write another book. 

Your books set in the regency are in different series, but they’re in the same universe. How do I read them chronologically?

When I started writing, I had no idea my books would ever be published. As I finished one book, I’d start the next without much thought for how somebody might organize the stories into series or sub-subseries. My editor had the thankless task of picking a starting point, and chose The Heir, because with The Soldier and The Virtuoso it formed a good, strong, trilogy of brothers to launch my career.

But that left some loose ends—about twenty of them—before, during, and after the Windham brothers, and I kept writing more books around and in between the ones I’d started with. What follows is my attempt to lay out the Windhams, the True Gentlemen, the Jaded Gentlemen, and Lonely Lords in a reading order that makes sense. The difficulty is that some books are happening at the same time as other books. In the case of Darius, between the beginning and end of his story, five other books are going on. (Vivvie says some things can’t be rushed).

The Windham Brides technically fall outside the Regency (George IV had finally ascended to the throne), so they are not included here. They’d go at the end, after the last of the Windham sisters.

The Lady Violet Mysteries stand outside of this chronology, as do the Mischief in Mayfair tales. (Phew!) The Lord Julian Mysteries start just about as the Windham Family stories are getting underway (1816-1817), and bump up against the The Captive Hearts. When I have a better handle on how Lord Julian’s series will unfold in his time period, I’ll lace his titles in here as best I can.

If I had it to do over, I’d start at the beginning, but I don’t, so here we go:

The Courtship (followed by), The Duke and His Duchess

Gareth, Andrew, Douglas, David

Thomas, Matthew, Axel, Jack

The Heir, The Solder, The Virtuoso

(The Captive, The Traitor, The Laird)

Darius, Nicholas, Ethan, Hadrian, Beckman, Gabriel

Trenton, Worth

Tremaine’s True Love, Daniel’s True Desire, Will’s True Wish, His Lordship’s True Lady, (followed by remaining True Gentlemen)

Lady Sophie, Lady Maggie, Morgan and Archer, Ashton

Lady Louisa, Lady Eve, Jonathan and Amy, Lady Jenny

Hope that helps, and as more books find publication, I’ll integrate them into the list above.

Will you ever do a Windham spin-off for Uncle Tony and Aunt Gladys’s daughters?

Glad you asked!.

When I finished Lady Jenny’s book, I went into a period of Windham-moping. I think this is half the reason why Westhaven and Anna popped up in The MacGregor’s Lady, though that’s a Scottish Victorian. I missed my Windham friends too badly to leave them entirely behind.

Then I began to get Ideas–about four daughters, and what sorts of devoted swains they might encounter. My mom was a blue-eyed red-head, and I thought it might be fun if all four Windhams shared that rarest of colorings… and then some story ideas began to materialize. The result is The Windham Brides series, which includes The Trouble With Dukes, Too Scot to Handle, No Other Duke Will Do, and A Rogue of Her Own.

And before you ask, no, Tony does not have an illegitimate son… that I know of.

Tiberius Flynn, Earl of Spathfoy, has two more sisters–Mary Ellen and Pandora. Will they get stories?

I’m almost certain they will, for several reasons.

First, I love the MacGregor series and its close kin. I’m writing in the high Victorian, which isn’t that much different from the Regency. The population shift has barely, barely tipped, with about equal numbers living in the cities and in the country. Prince Albert is still alive, so the whole fascination with death, the occult, and mourning hasn’t caught on. Fashion is still fairly reasonable–those enormous twelve foot wide hoops (which Queen Victoria abhorred and never wore) only began in mid-1850s, and the awful excesses of corsetry are yet to come.

So I like the world a lot.

Second, I particularly like the Scottish world and I also like the tension between an English hero and a Scottish heroine, or vice versa. This builds in a layer of misunderstanding, if not antipathy, between the heroes and heroines, and that’s always lovely.

Third, I love Tiberius. He can pop up in as many stories as he pleases, confiding in Flying Rowan, doting on his countess, and putting crooked, droopy diapers on his heir. In fact, I wish he had more sisters so I could see more of him..

Will you ever write stories for Rose, Winnie, or Westhaven’s children?

Rose and Winnie beg for a post-Regency series, along with, Priscilla Jennings, and some of Winnie’s Windham cousins. Fifteen years on, their parents will still be plenty young and full of fun. Our heroines could well have a passel of younger siblings, and yet, we’re still not into the Victorian period, about which readers have many pre-conceived (and often erroneous) notions.

So yes, I can see a series for members of the next generation–probably two series, for that matter. I seem to recall that St. Clair’s oldest and Michael Brodie’s daughter have an entanglement, and you know how much I love to write about Scotland….

Then there are Matthew and Axel Belmont’s five boys, who fall into yet another cohort between the Regency generation and the very young ladies.. I am well blessed with characters to write for!

Will you ever write a story for Lord Bartholomew Windham?

Probably not.

Bart is reported to have died in a tavern imbroglio in Portugal. He’d been drinking, he did not understand the language, and he inadvertently insulted a decent woman. Before he realized how much trouble he was in, weapons had come into play.

The very senselessness of his death made his passing harder for his family to grieve. He was the next duke, vivacious, full of himself, dear, and a little hard to take sometimes. He should not have died like that.

Through every book in the eight siblings series, Bart functioned at some level as a specter, a sorrow, a guilt and a grief. I’m hesitant to mess with that, because whatever emotions my characters endure, to some extent, my readers endure them too. My editor’s vote is to leave Bart on the far side of the rainbow bridge.

That said, I do think about the what ifs. What if he staged his death to become a spy, fell in love with the enemy, and had to stage even his spy-death to avoid (unfair) accusations of treason? He’s doubly dead in the eyes of England, and can’t come back to life without a lot of sticky explanations…

I dunno. It could work, or maybe not. What do you think?